I have finally gotten around to putting together some standing pines. Great for any temperate clime, can be used for the Rockies or the Carpathians.

The trunks are bamboo skewers. The upper ends were drilled out with a pin vise to take the bottle brush tops.
I glued six random length skewers to each CD, then reinforced each one with a bit of two part plumbers putty. Once dried I primed everything grey. The trunks were then streaked with a little bit of brown and highlighted with greys and even a bit of white.
The base is covered in a sandstone colored premix tile grout and any areas of the CD where the primer shows through painted with Americana Mississipi Mud.
To tie the base together I then drybrush both the unpainted grout and painted areas with a whitened highlight of Americana Fawn.
The tree tops are some old Heiki brand bottle brush style pines. I simply undid the first coil of wire and stuck a single strand of wire into the hole drilled in each skewer.
I left the bases fairly clear of litter or foliage and later I'll probably go back and put down some flock, but for now I wanted to facilitate moving figures.
This is my first time using the grout for large scale basing and I gotta say I really like it. The color matches the Americana fawn perfectly and I forsee using quite a bit of it.