Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cossack Cav

As I get started on painting the next 17 I thought I'd post up the first seven of the Cossack cavalry. They've been painted for months and have even seen a couple of games, but bases have finally been done.

They are from Foundry's SYW line except for the leader, a random Das Aus Schwarz (or something) figure I had lying around. One thing about these is the size of the horses - they are tiny! Truly these fellows are riding steppe ponies. These I was easily able to mount on 3/4' washers, though I've gone to 1" with the next batch  and will probably have to retro these.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Not exactly Cleopatra Jones, but after painting the dozen cavalry and some Scots with claymores I wanted to do something different. I have plans to use her in an upcoming zombie game, but in all honesty this was like the elephant man - something to change up what I had been doing.